Reviews & Analysis

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  • Long bursts of γ-rays usually signal the death of massive stars, but an emission detected last year suggests that a long burst with peculiar properties originated from the merger of stars in a compact binary system.

    • Luigi Piro
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  • An exercise in benchmarking a quantum computer reveals that the processor can go beyond the ‘integrability’ limit, at which dynamical systems no longer have explicit solutions, and standard mathematical techniques struggle.

    • Tomaž Prosen
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  • In mature tropical forests, trees that can capture nitrogen experience high levels of herbivory. This could explain the low abundance of such trees, and demonstrates that herbivores can limit nitrogen availability on land.

    • Joy B. Winbourne
    • Lindsay A. McCulloch
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  • Parental-care behaviours include mammalian lactation to provide milk for offspring. The discovery that adult ants harvest nutritious fluid from pupae and give larvae this fluid reveals social feeding that aids colony success.

    • Patrizia d’Ettorre
    • Kazuki Tsuji
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  • Seasonal variation in tropical sea surface temperatures doubled during an abrupt warming event 11,700 years ago. This shows that seasonal changes must be considered when inferring past climatic events, and predicting those to come.

    • Alyssa R. Atwood
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  • A 67-million-year-old fossil bird found in Europe provides evidence suggesting that scientists should reconsider centuries-old ideas about the nature of the ancestral avian beak.

    • Christopher R. Torres
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  • The neurotransmitter dopamine has been shown to serve as a signal for learning in the fly’s navigation centre. The rate at which the fly learns depends on turning, so only useful visual information is used to update the fly’s mental map.

    • István Taisz
    • Gregory S. X. E. Jefferis
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  • A system of nine quantum bits has been used to simulate a state known as a holographic wormhole, a concept that features in attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics with the general theory of relativity.

    • Adam R. Brown
    • Leonard Susskind
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  • Abnormalities in gut bacteria can contribute to hard-to-treat illnesses, such as inflammatory bowel diseases. Efforts to harness bacterium-targeting viruses reveal a promising way to tackle these conditions.

    • Alice Bertocchi
    • Fiona Powrie
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  • Structural insights into a long-studied folate-transport protein provide evidence that might lead to entirely new targeted anticancer treatments, or boost the success of immunotherapy approaches to tackling tumours.

    • Larry H. Matherly
    • Zhanjun Hou
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  • Radiation from a jet of ultrafast particles powered by a supermassive black hole suggests that the particles are accelerated by shock waves propagating along the jet, making them shine with the brightness of 100 billion Suns.

    • Lea Marcotulli
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  • Mounting evidence suggests that developing neurons and metastatic cancer cells migrate through similar mechanisms. Characterization of a previously unknown complex involved in cell migration confirms this idea.

    • Alain Chédotal
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  • A theory shows that active agents can cooperate in the presence of disorder — a result that could inform the design of robots that organize on rough surfaces, or show how cells migrate en masse.

    • Sam Cameron
    • Tannie Liverpool
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  • People who carry a particular variant of the APOE gene are at increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. It emerges that this might be due to decreased production of a fatty substance called myelin by oligodendrocyte cells.

    • Karl Carlström
    • Gonçalo Castelo-Branco
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  • Bacteria are frequently present in human cancers. The use of state-of-the-art methods for tumour analysis that capture spatial information and single-cell molecular profiles paves the way to clarifying the roles of these microorganisms.

    • Ilana Livyatan
    • Ravid Straussman
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  • A 30-year record of ocean-current velocities has been used to infer wind speeds during tropical cyclones. The data show that these storms have intensified over time, supporting claims that their strength will increase as the planet warms.

    • Robert L. Korty
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