This week, fake antibodies scupper research, the diversity of cells in a tumour, and what happened before tectonic plates?

In this episode:

01:18 Fake antibodies

Counterfeit antibodies are messing up some experiments in China. Feature: The secret war against counterfeit science

07:41 Creation of the crust

How the Earth turned from one big magma ocean to the planet we live on today. Research paper: Rozel et al.

13:02 Podcast survey

Help us improve the Nature Podcast by letting us know who you are. Podcast survey

13:24 Research Highlights

Printing without ink; and marijuana and memory. Research Highlight: Pictures printed without ink; Research Highlight: Marijuana memory boost for old mice

14:55 Dangerous science stats

An update on last week’s stories. Health and Safety in the Fieldwork of North American Anthropologists; Naturalists who died in the field

15:46 Cancerous complexity

The structure within tumours. Research paper: Tammela et al.; Research paper: Lim et al.; News & Views: Tumours build their niche

21:20 News Chat

The National Institutes of Health thinks about how it hands out its money; and testing the best violins. News: NIH grant limits rile biomedical research community; News: NIH to limit the amount of grant money a scientist can receive; News: Science can only tell us so much about Stradivarius violins

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