This week, automata through the ages, problems with pet DNA tests, and a conservation conundrum.

In this episode:

00:47 Problems with pet DNA

Are DNA tests being mis-sold to pet owners? Comment: Pet genomics medicine runs wild

07:22 A rich history of robots

Automatic machines are nothing new. So, what can centuries of automata teach us about our modern relationship to robots? Books & Arts: Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

13:59 Research Highlights

Bread was being baked before agriculture, and taking new steps to treat spinal injuries. Research Highlight: A trail of crumbs leads to world’s oldest known bread; Research Highlight: Injections lead to big strides for paralysed mice

15:36 A conservation conundrum

How to avoid putting species at risk when publishing conservation data. Research paper: Tulloch et al.

22:24 News Chat

A helping hand for natural selection, and the end of an era for a satellite studying the start of our Universe. News: Ecologists try to speed up evolution to save Australian marsupial from toxic toads; News: Big Bang telescope finale marks end of an era in cosmology

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