“New Records in Human Power” — When testing the Swedish national ski-team for physical condition...values for oxygen intake as high as 6.1 l./min. were estimated. As these figures far surpassed the earlier maximum, it was of great interest to obtain direct measurements of those subjects' aerobic capacity... values are included from an investigation of capacity for hard muscular work of eighty-six healthy, well-trained students of physical education... The most striking difference between those students, on one hand, and the middle-distance runners and skiers, on the other, is found when comparing the capacity for oxygen uptake. Values for vital capacity, maximum heart-rate, pulmonary ventilation and concentration of blood lactic acid were of the same order. It is probable that a high aerobic capacity is an essential characteristic of people with a high standard of physical fitness with regard to endurance.

From Nature 12 November 1955.


Science scholars selected from the whole of Great Britain for their ability and promise, maintaining themselves on 17s. 9d. per week, were this year saved from much privation by secret gifts of small bursaries — see subjoined audited account. I have no right to ask for help from the generous men who helped me last year, but I have all the sturdiness of a chartered beggar — I ask in a good cause.

It was originally intended that these bursaries should be given only to such National Scholars as required assistance, but some of the subscribers have given me power to assist other students of the college. Also one of the two City Companies has given me power to grant an occasional bursary of more than ten pounds. It is understood that every student is morally bound to repay this money to the fund at some future time.

John Perry

From Nature 9 November 1905.